
The first 5G iPhone will be released to market in 2021

Although most mobile companies will release their first 5G mobiles in 2019, Apple doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to do so.

It was first supposed to be available in 2020, but it appears that it will take longer before we can use this gadget.

Apparently, the release has been challenged by the supply of 5G modems.

According to the latest report, we have to wait until 2021 to use iPhone 5G. The problem seems to have occurred due to the problems related to 5G modems, which in turn are caused by a variety of factors. One reason to be mentioned is the conflict between Apple and Qualcomm which has caused a halt in the use of Qualcomm parts in Apple phones. Furthermore, the 5G modems of Intel will not, seemingly, have been ready by 2020 whilst Apple is reluctant to use Samsung and Media-tech modems. Regarding the aforementioned, Apple will have to use specific modems for iPhone 5G or postpone the launch. It is not the first time when Apple hesitates to adopt a new approach in technology. A similar attitude was taken by the company for launching the 4G technology.

Source: Digikala

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