What is e-government?

Electronic Government
Electronic government is a tool to increase the access of people, companies and government employees to government services. In other words, e-government is the service and information of the government to the public, using electronic tools.
E-government uses information and communication technologies to enhance government efficiency by providing better access to information and greater government accountability to the public.

About us

Sigma Company, considering its experiences in launching more than 300 e-service systems in the last ten years, is also active in providing e-government consulting services and in formulating, explaining and implementing e-government development strategies to organizations and institutions. Such as the Social Commission and e-Government of the government, the Information Technology Organization, the Presidential Institution, the Employment Administrative Organization of the country (former Deputy Minister of Management Development), ministries, etc. have provided information technology consulting services at national and organizational levels.
It should be noted that Sigma Company has prepared a comprehensive plan for the e-government of the country mentioned in Article 46 of the Fifth Development Plan and the regulations of Article 40 of the Civil Service Law.

Our consulting services

Our experiences in e-government

  • E-Government Leadership and Development Consulting Services to Iran Information and Communication Technology Organization (2016)
  • Consulting services regarding e-government management in the country to the Information Technology Organization of Iran (1398-1397)
  • Consulting services to the Information and Communication Technology Center of the Presidential Institution (2015-2016)
  • Providing e-government consulting services to the Social Commission of the Cabinet (2015)
  •  Development of a plan for the development of digital content in cyberspace for the content commission of the High Cyberspace Council (2013)
  • Compilation of a comprehensive plan document for the e-government of the country, subject to Article 46 of the Fifth Development Plan (2011-2011)
  • Codification of the by-laws of Article 40 of the Civil Service Management Law (2011)
  • Development of a virtual Iran plan for the Deputy Minister of Virtual Media of the Radio and Television of Iran (2009-2010)
  • Compilation of a national multi-purpose smart card document in the Secretariat of the High Information Council (2004-2005)
  • Membership in Takfa Program Organizational Architecture Working Group (Development of Information Technology Applications) (2004-2005)
  • Consulting services in the preparation of the executive plan of the document of the comprehensive information technology system for the Telecommunication Research Center (2005)
  • And design and implementation of more than 300 electronic services

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